Monday, August 2, 2021

While holding my husband's cat to give her some meds, got startled by a loud noise and clawed me badly

 While holding my husband's cat [he got her before we got married] to give her some meds, got startled by a loud noise and clawed me badly. I will probably have scars. I no longer trust her, and have no desire to be around her. Is this normal? It does not sound normal to me to suddenly feel a cat can't be "trusted" after being scratched under those circumstances. Clearly the cat was scared. Being given medication is never fun for a cat and then she was startled by a loud noise. (Cats don't like loud noises either.) So it's not surprising she reacted the way she did. Chances are she was simply trying to get away especially if the wounds you have came from her back claws when she was “pushing off.” Of course, you should wash the wounds well and see a physician (perhaps a plastic surgeon) ASAP if you are worried about scars. (In my experience cat scratches rarely leave scars. But my tolerance for minor skin blemishes may be higher than yours.)

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