Sunday, October 20, 2019

Anakin Skywalker mirror reflection Darth Vader shirt

So Anakin’s name represents only weakness for him and Everything he has lost to become this famous Sith Lord, that does not change biologically, Luke is his son, even if Vader decides to call himself Jack, that does not change the Anakin Skywalker mirror reflection Darth shirt  fact that he “created” Luke, he is his son. Darth Vader is Anakin Skywalker as much as Darth Sidious is Sheev Palpatine and Darth Tyranus is Dooku, the difference is that Vader no longer needs his real name, he is not a politician, he is a Sith Lord, Emperor’s executor, a monster with armor.
Anakin Skywalker mirror reflection Darth Vader sweater

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