Our son said that Child support is for the child not the same club shirt to us- ONCE. I broke it down for him: The police will take you to a foster home- see that colour TV of yours? Gone. Nice clothes? GONE. Xbox? GONE. going out with your friends? GONE. You’ll be living with people who get paid to keep you, and they won’t love you like we do. If you get ANYTHING, you’ll have to share it with all the other kids in that house, and forget about having your own room…but, go ‘head. Want the number? I’ll dial for you…CURED him, real quick. my daughter threatened me with this when she was a teenager. I said go ahead, but by the time they get here, they will have a damn good reason to be here. NEVER, my children never threatened to call the cops. We raised them to love and respect themselves and others, especially those with authority!
Child support is for the child not the same club shirt, hoodie, tank top, sweatshirt, ladies tee.

My kids threaten to call the cops once and I said…Child support is for the child not the same club shirt go right ahead but you know what .. I will then take you ten miles out in the dark woods and make you walk home in the dark !!!!! Think about that awhile. Wolves, coyotes, bears, snakes, wolverines.. and the bitter cold cold cold.. something will be very liable to get you. They knew I will follow through to .. so they never threatened again, they just did as they were told. . !! My daughter once threatened to call childline because I was being mean. I was being mean because I asked her to come and help me get her pony in. I told her to be my guest, phone them, and to let me know how she got on with that. Funnily enough, she decided not to call them in the end.
United States
POD Print On Demand T-shirt - Child support is for the child not the same club shirt: https://closettshirts.com/child-support-child-not-club-shirt/
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