OP it sounds like your mother was suffering from schizophrenia long before her diagnosis. I’m a delicate fucking flower shirt. I feel like she was doing a lot of self-medicating! I find it very admirable that you’re able to forgive her. Also, I love that you’re passionate about your music and I certainly wish you the best of luck, but might I suggest coming up with a plan B? It’s never good to put all our eggs into one basket. Have you ever considered a technical school? Also dropping out – did you obtain your G.E.D.? If you didn’t … I recommend that you do that ASAP. You’re stronger than me and everyone else I know. Thank you for still being here today. Because there are some people who believe that having someone cut in line at Starbucks is the same journey as op has gone through. It is hard to categorize everyone as humans like to do when some stories are heartbreaking and inspirational, and others are not so much.
United States
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