I hope you’ll not go through the same crying episode like you had. You bet your nalgas I’m Mexican shirt Terena Stephens didn’t call Tyrese to pay a bodyguard for her son even before I didn’t make out the story. You mad cause your baby daddy didn’t cry over his child or pay child support, private school, nanny, lavish birthday parties, An holidays. You still waiting on him to come back from the liquor store 10plus yrs ago…Terina Stephens I have sufficient cash to have sufficient cash to stay our of work to make sure that my child is safe and well cared for to hire a nanny. My son has too much of himself while you are obese. you could not pay for a bodyguard for your obese son, you all are both in a fast food competition. Why didn’t you make Tyrese pay for a bodyguard? Hahaha. Another one bites a bullet. thanks for sharing, that’s so beautiful. May the almighty God continue to bless you and your family. ” Let what God has joined together no man can put asunder” Amen.
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We love that there’s finally a family friendly show, however, You bet your nalgas I’m Mexican shirt how LOUD they scream the whole time is going to stop us from continuing to watch. They are above and beyond happy, excited and into ear-splitting, obnoxious. Yep. I don’t think we will be watching anymore. I had hoped it was just a couple of the first shows and the people who do instructions to the crowd before taping begins, would bring that up, and have them chill out a bit. Frankly, I would be embarrassed to be screaming to such a point on any show! It was nerve racking! My supervisor and other co-workers watch it too and this morning all of them said the screaming is too much and won’t watch again. Why thank you, Kristina, you are such a blessing in my life for sharing such wonderful information.
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