What stood out to me was at the end after they lost and it was all done, Amanda was actually talking normally about. We Some Bad Motherfukers Shirt. Flip a damn coin if you have to. Zach has been just as dismissive as Amanda, though. It’s not like he was treating her with respect and she wasn’t reciprocating. They both needed to learn the same lesson if anything. This is also a pattern with Zach. When you have to go against teams like Johnny/tony brad/kyle cory/Devin and you see that you’re partnered with someone like Amanda or how it got fucked with Veronica it’s a helpless feeling you’re always playing handicap in most situations especially physical challenges. the day. I was always anti-JEK though and a big Wes fan. I realize Wes had his flaws too though. Personally, I couldn’t stand JEK and also hated that they always dominated. I’ve only recently started coming around on Johnny and I think that’s because he is so dominant anymore.
United States
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