Doherty should be pronounced as Daw-her-tee, Flaherty as Flash-her-tee, and Mahony as Mah-hin-ee. The nope face grympy cat shirt. With the A in Flaherty and Mahony being short as is Man. In the US, they’d tend to be said as Flarritty and Mah-hone-ee. I’m actually American myself with an Irish father and while my surname is less common, it is still mispronounced about 95% of the time despite being quite short. Even after correction, people seem to still have a hard time. The remaining lot is. Browne was one of the division’s stars midfielders last season and has built on it this season. Maguire when fit never has a bad game. Robinson has had to mature up because he was lazy and never challenged but he has now found his feet up top. Scored 6 in 8 since moving up top. Burke has a brilliant first touch and technique.
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