Monday, July 12, 2021

Ah the age old question about cats clawing furniture

 Ah the age old question about cats clawing furniture. While it’s not impossible to stop this behavior, it is possible to deflect the tendency using creative ways. As David mentioned below, plastic on the areas that are being used as a scratching post are helpful. There are a couple of small companies that make various sizes of clear plastic adhesive strips just for this. I have a few on my couches as well. I also place cardboard scratching boxes next to my couches. When I see or hear my cats scratching on furniture I say a firm “NO” and move them to their scratching pads. Consistency is key but never hit a cat for any reason. Of course there are certain types of weaves that attract scratching more than others. We have some furniture that they never scratch and others that they love, particularly any fabric with a “knobby” weave. As one last idea, we have to throw blankets that we put on the arms of certain furniture which discourage this behavior as well. I have attached a picture that shows the three I’ve described above that I use on one couch in my house. Good luck!

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