Thursday, July 15, 2021

I like godzilla and ramen and maybe 3 people shirt

Among this group are also the hobby breeders. These may be people who work to keep and improve fancy guppy strains. They have been responsible for developing different strains of Angelfish (Pterophyllum sp) and fancy livebearers. Some breed fish for the challenge of figuring out how a species breeds and may breed several hundred different species in their lifetime. Others try to maintain species long-term and occasionally are a source of fish that have gone extinct in the wild. They often network through aquarium clubs and societies. Some hobby breeders travel to the countries where the fish come from to collect breeding stock and study the natural habitat of the fish. These people have been responsible for introducing hundreds of species into the aquarium hobby. Many of these species are never commercially bred, but they may remain in the hobby for many decades. Killifish, livebearer, cichlid and rainbowfish keepers are among the most notable and have made scientific contributions to ichthyology.

Finally a more recent development that often straddles the hobby and fish farm areas is in culturing ornamental marine fish. Many marine clownfish are captive bred and many new color forms have emerged. A number of sea horse species are also commercially bred and unlike wild sea horses, which usually do not survive long in the aquarium, captive bred seahorses are able to be successfully kept by a committed amateur. More species of marine fish, as well as corals, anemones and other invertebrates are being bred in captivity, reducing the impact the hobby has on fragile reef environments. It is quite possible to set up a large marine reef aquarium with only captive-bred animals. Despite all this success, only a small faction of fish species are or have been cultured, and the spawning behavior of many freshwater fish species is still unknown.

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