Thursday, July 8, 2021

It depends on your cat

 It depends on your cat. At 9 years old your cat is solidly set in his ways. He is used to being able to do what he wants. If your cat is an outgoing cat that is not afraid of anything, you may be able to make it work. We had to move in with my mom at the beginning of 2018. Mom had a cat, Herman who was about 3 at the time. Our cat, Zappa was 11. When we first moved in, my mom kept Herman locked in her bedroom and Zappa had the rest of the house. The cats could smell each other under the door. There was no growling or hissing. Just curiosity. After about a week, we would let the cats be in the living room together. They stared at each other. Herman made the first move and walked toward Zappa. Zappa hissed. Herman stopped and looked at him. Zappa moved and Herman followed. Both cats were sniffing the scent of the other. After about 15 minutes we put Herman away. Zappa went to the door and smelled under it.

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