Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Life without Jesus is like an unsharpened pencil it has no point shirt

Trump is literally just pointing out the obvious: some people just don’t trust the government. But he never told people to not be vaccinated; in fact, he’s been out there saying that people should get vaccinated. He also said that the vaccine was safe, and that’s not necessarily true. The only thing we can say for sure is that the vaccine is safer than COVID for some people. The virus literally has a 99.8% survivability rate. Can we truthfully say the same thing about what will happen 20 years down the road after a COVID vaccination? However, we do know that for today, for the vulnerable population, the vaccine is marginally safer than COVID infection.

And the only way you can protect yourself from COVID is the vaccine.Whether or not you choose to risk infection is entirely up to you. It’s not up to anyone else. The “vaxxers” believe that it’s up to you to keep them safe. That’s illogical. That’s not how we do healthcare in this country. We don’t keep you safe by making sure that no one around you can get sick. We keep you safe by making sure that you can’t get sick. Like everything in this country, with very few exceptions, healthcare is an individual choice. And the choice about whether or not to be vaccinated is also an individual choice.TL;DR: Trump is basically pointing out the obvious, that some people just don’t trust the government.


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