Saturday, July 17, 2021

Podxmas-Jason Sudeikis Jadon & Marcus & Bukayo shirt

I hope he’s not. I hope he’s suffering with sunburn and sand flea bites. Maybe with some sea lice and a couple of Portuguese Man ‘O War stings. I’d love it if he were hit in the testicles by a golf ball, while playing at Mar a Lago. Who wouldn’t enjoy seeing him have to abide by his club’s rule to disallow members from permanently residing at the club. A rule that Trump himself apparently wrote. (I know, it’s hard to believe that he can write!) I occasionally find myself hoping that his section of Palm Beach will suddenly return to the sea, taking Mar a Lago with it. I don’t know how Trump is doing in August 2021, mainly because it’s still July. And, I don’t actually give a shit.

Who the heck uses that font and format in Russian official documents? I mean, open the Guardian story in question and check out the pictures’ of the alleged ‘Kremlin leak’. Looks like a shitty college term paper out of the 1990s-early-2000s (by content as well). The fonts are wrong, the spacing is all wrong, paper layout is all wrong… and why is it pink… and printed on some weird printer? I mean, I think that Kremlin had access to laser printers and white paper in 2016. If you are going to make a convincing fake - you should try better. Also, how do you find page 14 in a 3 page document? “on 14 January 2016 Symonenko circulated a three-page executive summary of his team’s conclusions and recommendations”

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