Monday, July 19, 2021

Baseball-Balboa Creed 2024 It’s About How Hard You Can Get Hit And Keep Moving Forward Shirt

 Depends on gender, age difference, and tradition. I am the oldest of 3 kids, and I am a boy. I am in middle school, my brother in elementary, and my sister in preschool. I wasn’t blamed for my brothers mistakes. He used to tattle on me until I said “tattlers are losers” in front of my parents and they agreed. Now my brother gets in trouble for telling on me. I get into trouble more often, but usually it’s not harsh. My brother gets busted less, but when he does he is yelled at. Once I shot my brother in the face with a squirt gun as a joke, not to make him feel bad. My parents called both of us in, in front of my friends. They made me stand in the corner for shooting my brother in the face, and my brother got timeout for yelling at me. I stayed quiet while my brother kept screaming. 

My parents let me go play with my friends, and my brother was yelled at. He avoided me that day but we were forced to make up after my friends left. Also I get the better stuff. I don’t have hand me downs while 70% of my brother’s clothes are my old ones. When we play on the xbox I always get the good controller. When we play nintendo I am 9/10 the lead player who can set the rules of mariokart races. My brother complained about it a few times, but my parents said I was the older one and let me play lead player but I was told to let my brother choose some rules. Still I get busted every time I tease my brother but he never got busted for teasing me so there is a catch. My sister is the spoiled one because she gets new clothes that she chooses, and she gets all the attention. I understand that she is little, but I wasnt as spoiled as her when I was her age. Still she is a girl and really cute

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