Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Cat i’m so sweet I need insulin diabetes awareness shirt

Ok here’s the difference but before I continue , I’d like to mention that the word Hinayana is no politically correct to use nowadays . It is a word found in some Mahayana Sutras ( not most ) and meant Smaller Vehicle there not lower or anyrthing else . Smaller because less people followed it in ancient India and even today ( 71.62% are Mahayana Buddhists while 28.38% are Theravada )

We know this because this word was translated into Tibetan and Chinese too as SMALLER . Sanskrit is a very rich language and one word has many meanings . However , today in most Indic languages it has come to mean lower , lowly , mean , stingy et al . Therefore , misunderstanding this word is easy so many Theravadin Scholars have objected to that word and we must all honour that objection as Buddhists .

The word Sravakayana is found both in Theravada which is a Sravaka Nikaya , like the 22 other Sravaka Nikaya that vanished due to Hindu persecution and the final blow was given by the Islamic invasion, and in the Mahayana texts too .


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