Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Shark sorry I can’t it’s week shirt

So yes, it is very possible that if Avasaíl García did not hit that home run that the Reds could have swept the Brewers. But neary every MLB game and series is that close. For example, in the Chicago Cubs recent 12-game losing streak, they were competitive in ten of those games as late as the bottom of the eighth inning. Margins in the MLB are very, very narrow. Any team can beat any other team on any given day

Further, in the entire history of MLB during the era where teams played each other 22 times, no team ever won all 22 games. So when a team takes three out of four, or even sweeps a four game series, there is absolutely nothing unusual about that. Very often something quite small can make a huge difference in a game or series.

Loses and friction tend to go up with the Square of size - heat loss that sort of thing But the power tends to go up with the Cube of size So if you double the size the losses quadruple but the power goes up by a factor of eight This is the same for any heat engine and for most “things” The Maximum possible efficiency is set by thermodynamics - that does not change but the engineering losses that prevent you from getting to that nirvana become a lower percentage on a larger engine


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