Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Judo because other sports only require one ball shirt

The reason that baseball is more competitive than other sports is that it requires a skill set that goes beyond pure athleticism. Namely, hitting a baseball is the most difficult skill to master in professional sports. The best basketball player in NBA history—Michael Jordan—took a stab at being a professional baseball player. MJ couldn’t hit a curve ball—and as a result, never made it past AA ball—and had he not already been a superstar athlete, never would have made it that far.

One more thing: the threshhold for staying in the Majors in baseball seems to be about a .230 average, though at that batting average a player had best have some power. Conversely, a player who hits .300 for a career is very likely to wind up in the Baseball Hall of Fame. Over 500 at bats—which is close to a season’s worth—a .230 average amounts to 115 hits. Over 500 at bats, a .300 average is 150 hits—or 35 more hits than the guy who hits .230.

An MLB season is approximately 26 weeks long. That means the difference between barely staying in the league and being a Hall-of-Famer is about 1.35 hits per week. What that really means is that in any MLB game the difference between winning and losing comes down to the player who has that one extra or maybe two extra hits.


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