Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Cleveland Bobby Bombs shirt

Yes. Watch the documentary Making The Shining, which was filmed by Kubrick's daughter, Vivian. There's literally footage of him verbally abusing Shelley. He told the cast and crew, “don't be sympathetic to Shelley", and made her do the scene on the stairs with the baseball bat 127 times; she stopped eating, became physically ill, and her hair started falling out in clumps from the stress.

Kubrick also reduced 69-year-old Scatman Crothers to tears by making him do over 100 takes of one scene, until an exhausted Crothers asked, “Mr. Kubrick, just what do you want from me?” (Crothers' next film was the Clint Eastwood-directed Bronco Billy; he reportedly again burst into tears while making that film — tears of joy that is, when he realized that the easygoing Eastwood wasn't going to make him do dozens or hundreds of takes of every scene.) Jack Nicholson reportedly had to ask Kubrick to ease up on Crothers.

Yes, Stanley Kubrick was a great director. He was also an abusive dick. Shelley deserved better treatment than that.


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