Friday, July 16, 2021

I know some people are experts in pheromones and body language

 I know some people are experts in pheromones and body language. But I look at the playful stance. If one dog is perceived as aggressive, the other bows down , not to be confused with the playful stance, which is rear up , front paws down with head close to ground and tail wagging. The submissive stance is the dog getting flat on the ground . If I perceive ears back,teeth out,I do not approach to let my dog sniff. One such case two years back a dog ran up on my dog when I was walking him at night, the dog was unleashed , and I saw he had mange I grabbed my dog up and backed away. Ended up this guy had 8 dogs in an apartment mostly large and he let them out to run at night without accompanying them. I didn't stop to catalogue their dog's compatibility with mine. I left with my dog in my arms.

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