Thursday, July 15, 2021

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Neither Greta Van Fleet nor any other young rock band today has the rock and roll machine behind them that made the whole thing run. It was always incredibly hard to become a rock star. Today it's far harder than it used to be. Knowing that, how can you say anything to a group of young guys like Greta Van Fleet except “good luck”? If I said anything bad about them before, I take it back. I think it's awesome that even though they’re well aware of the astronomical odds against them, they’re still going for it.

You might want to read the linked article if you’re interested in knowing more about Greta Van Fleet. Greta Van Fleet has endured a lot of abuse from the mostly failed musicians knows as critics and they’ve handled it with remarkable composure for such young guys. Many of the barbs centered on the band’s clear and present debt to the war-horses of classic rock, most glaringly Led Zeppelin. Rolling Stone wrote that the band often sound “preposterously close” to the creators of “Stairway to Heaven”, going on to label their songs “expert forgeries”.

“Do they have a musical knowledge outside of Led Zeppelin?” wrote a writer in Esquire. “They absolutely don’t,” while the New York Times led their review with the sarcastic line “somebody must have really missed this stuff”. “I’ve gotten plenty of ridicule,” the singer acknowledged with a knowing laugh. “And I expect to get more. In fact, I’m looking forward to it.”

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