Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Skull girl Yes i’m a bitch but not yours shirt

Tell them you asked online folks for help. Yes, strict parents might get offended, but tell them first you’re just worried: strict, in your mind, means they’ll scream and yell and punish you without hearing you out first. You’re teenager, learning to get curious and all, and they’d be wise to hear you out. Feel Christian practices are pointless? OK, how did you reach that conclusion, and then your parents can explain here’s how and why we practice that as a family.

Agree w/ Toby’s answer below—make a flower bouquet, a dessert, anniversary card, something that’s a gesture of love. You wouldn’t exist if your parents hadn’t made love, so this helps. Then can follow up with saying you’ve some serious worries and wanted to talk and get it **figured out.** I would be clear you want to “get this figured out” because to strict parent’s mind, this is a problem you recognize and you’re asking their help respectfully.

Ask for their sources. Be Christian, atheist, or whatever: Nobody makes this decision lightly. There is always soul-searching and questions. Your strict Christian parents are merely raising you in the way that makes sense to them. What you can do—went through a similar thing myself around 22 years old—is say you’re not sold on the whole Christianity, why is it important, does Jesus matter when 100 different evils reported on media channels, any questions you have.

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