Wednesday, July 7, 2021

We have always kept at least one, usually female, from our litters as we only bred for our next generation.

 We have always kept at least one, usually female, from our litters as we only bred for our next generation. Never had a problem. Once mum is off the litter and back with the pack, life resumes as normal. Our young puppies were not ‘with’ the pack until they were old enough to be safe (size-wise). It may be different with other breeds, but ours was a pack breed so I’d not have expected any trouble. Indeed once bitches take against each other, and fight, it may be that the relationship won’t work so the younger one has to find a home. We had to do this when a young male we’d intended to keep, started challenging his uncle. It got so bad that he had to go for the sake of everybody. Very sad but I found him a super home so he was ok, and peace was restored to our small pack.

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