Friday, July 9, 2021

You feeling ill after playing with the puppy could be kind of all in your head because you are so afraid of contracting rabies

 You feeling ill after playing with the puppy could be kind of all in your head because you are so afraid of contracting rabies. Or, it's actually possible that the puppy stepped in his/her feces and it got on you and then you rubbed your eyes or had your fingers in your mouth. When playing with a strange puppy/dog or even if he/she is your dog but maybe you all came in from outside it's always important to wash your hands. I really like the antibacterial wipes from Jax and Daisy for their paws. Having said all of that, if you don't feel better in a few days it wouldn't hurt anything to pop into the doctor's office and see what they think. You could also be catching a cold of some sort as well but again, I can pretty much promise you that you were not exposed to rabies.

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